Kitchen Painting

Starting at $499

Pricing includes walls measured up to 20×10. Window frame, trim, ceiling and floor painting are available add-ons for any job and can be quoted during the initial inspection of the room.


All the painting services you need, all in one place.

Kitchen painting is one the many fields we specialize in here at The Ohio Painting Company. Paint can wear down with time, cracking, peeling, flaking, falling apart, and ultimately needing to be replaced.

Painting a kitchen can be very labor intensive, and the risk of damaging your walls or other appliances. Hiring an insured professional painter is the fastest and safest option for painting your kitchen, and it will save you time and money.

Painting your kitchen will bring a much-needed sparkle back to it. Kitchens that need to be repainted usually require substantial cleaning and prep work. Our team of professional painters are ready and able to help paint any project you have, unfurnished kitchens, furnished kitchens, and anything in between.

Our 4 Step Process to bringing you the highest quality work possible

01. Proposal

Following your request for a free estimate, a painting professional visits your home to discuss your project in detail, help with color selection and set a date for prep work. Written estimates are provided. You’ll always be able to reach your consultant directly with any questions or concerns. You’re hiring us for a reason after all. Allow us to meet your budget and quality needs and earn your trust.

02. Prep Work

The Ohio Painting Company, LLC takes care of protecting and/or moving all furniture and items from the work area, in addition to completing all drywall repairs and any necessary maintenance requirements prior to painting. This is where our attention to detail will WOW you on the final transformation and lifelong performance.

03. Begin painting

We begin our focus resolving your ultimate final concerns at the start of our finishing process, whether they are colors, finish or logistics. It’s never too late to correct or address an issue so rest assured you won’t be “stuck” with a color or solution that leaves you unsatisfied. Our schedule and resources are available to you until we determine together the correct course of action. From here we simply execute your vision with precision and your home is left clean and safe at the end of each work day.

04. Quality Check

Our job is not complete until our scope is fulfilled and you’re a satisfied customer. Management and quality control will continually inspect each focus of the project and the surrounding areas for final touch-ups until the final walk-through and inspection.

Professional Painters

Our Team at Ohio Painting Company take pride in calling ourselves Painting Experts. We deliver Fast and Efficient Quotes, while being Cost Friendly.

High Quality

We use High Quality Paint to ensure a long lasting finish. Our Team Managers will always do a Quality Check with you, staying in constant contact to be absolutely sure you are satisfied.

Local Business

Located in Dayton, Ohio. The Team here at The Ohio Painting Company are proud to partner with local businesses, helping to improve our local neighborhood.

Professional House Painting

Along with painting the kitchen, we can also paint the rest of your home. Our team will work with you to determine the perfect color and finish for your kitchen painting needs. Color, texture, finishes, these are just a few of the factors our painting team will take into consideration.

Get Your Painting Quote

Quality painting or remodeling services are just a call away at (937) 409-4443. Request a proposal or schedule a free consultation today!