How Much Does It Cost to Paint Vinyl Siding?

Nick Goebel

Nick Goebel

Co-founder of The Ohio Painting Company®

Vinyl siding is a type of exterior cladding well-known for its versatility and durability. When considering siding, one of the first things you may want to know is how much it will cost to give your house an exterior paint job.
Generally speaking, the national average cost of painting vinyl siding in Dayton, Ohio, is around $1 to $3 per square foot. It will cost you $1,500 to $5,000 to paint the vinyl siding on an average house. This price range includes labor costs for removing old paint and applying new paint over all exterior surfaces of the house, including trimming edges if needed. You’ll also pay for any materials needed, such as primer and topcoat paint, plus brushes or rollers.


Factors that Affect the Cost of Painting Vinyl Siding

Painting your home’s exterior siding is a quick and easy way to make your house look fresh and new. But how much does it cost to paint vinyl siding? The cost of painting vinyl siding depends on several factors:

Size of Your Home

The size of your home affects how much it will cost to paint vinyl siding because larger homes require more materials and labor.

The average size of American homes has increased significantly over the past 100 years, so many homeowners are doing vinyl siding replacement projects. They are going for new vinyl siding designs that better match their homes’ dimensions.

For example, older homes may have two-foot-wide panels while newer ones might have four-foot panels. Some homeowners choose to install a different style of siding altogether because they want a more contemporary look or need something more durable than their existing material.

The Type of Paint You Choose

The type of paint used also affects the cost of painting vinyl siding. There are many colors to choose from, including interior and exterior latex paints and exterior oil-based paints. Each type has its advantages and disadvantages regarding durability and ease of application on exterior painting projects.

Condition of Your Vinyl Siding

Vinyl siding can last for decades if appropriately treated, but older homes often have weathered or faded paint that needs to be removed before new color can be applied.

If your vinyl siding has been on your home for a long time, it may need to be stripped down before being repainted. Removing old paint is an extra step that adds to the cost of painting vinyl siding but ensures you get an attractive new coat without any imperfections.


You’ll have to climb on the roof or use scaffolding if you want to get to those hard-to-reach spots on your house. That’s why some companies charge more than others for this service—it takes longer because they have to work harder.


A permit is required for painting vinyl siding. The cost will vary from one city to another, and some cities don’t require permits for painting vinyl siding. If a permit is required, it can add about $100 to the final bill.

The Location

The location of your home also affects how much it will cost for you to have vinyl siding painted. If you live in an area with plenty of professional painters, it may be easier for you to find someone who will give you a reasonable price on their services.

Whether You Need Gutters Installed

If your home does not already have gutters, this will increase the cost of painting vinyl siding. Gutters are not required by law in many areas, but they are highly recommended for protecting the exterior of your home from water damage caused by rain and snow runoff.


Why Should You Hire A Professional To Paint Your Vinyl Siding?

Vinyl siding is a great option for homeowners looking to add value and curb appeal to their homes. But, if you’re not careful when you paint vinyl siding, you could spend more money than necessary. The best way to ensure that your vinyl siding looks great and lasts for years is by hiring a professional.

Here are some of the reasons why you should hire a professional painting contractor for your vinyl siding painting project:

They’re Experienced

Vinyl siding can be tricky to prep because it’s so smooth that it can easily trap dirt and grime between the grooves in the material. If you don’t prepare your walls correctly before painting, then there’s a good chance your paint job will start chipping off quickly after application.

Professional painters know how to prepare your walls so that they’re ready for paint without causing any damage or other issues down the road. They’ll assess the condition of your walls and determine whether or not they need prime vinyl siding.

They’ve Access to Quality Products

When it’s time to choose colors and finishes, many homeowners opt for cheaper options to save money on their projects — but this isn’t always the best idea. Cheap paint tends to chip much more quickly than professional products do, which means that you’ll have to repaint every few years or so anyway — and if you don’t, your vinyl siding will start looking dingy and worn out prematurely.


Final Word

Homeowners typically choose vinyl siding because it comes in various colors and looks like wood. Vinyl can also look like stone or brick, making it an especially attractive option for remodeling projects.

Vinyl is also durable and easy to clean, making it well-suited for areas where there might be lots of dirt and grime on the exterior walls of your home or office building.

If you want to know more about house siding painting, reach out to the Ohio Painting Company by calling us at (937) 409-4443 today!

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